"Karmanye vadhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachana..." You have the right to perform your duty, but not to the fruits of your actions. Overthinking stems from worrying about outcomes. Focus on giving your best effort without stressing over results.
"For one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy." Overthinking happens when we let our thoughts control us. Master your mind through discipline and mindfulness.
"Pleasures and pains come and go like seasons. Endure them patiently." Overthinking often involves dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Accept that life is ever-changing and focus on the now.
"One who performs duties without attachment, surrendering the results to God, remains untouched by sin, just as a lotus leaf remains unaffected by water." Let go of unnecessary mental burdens and surrender your worries. Find peace in detachment.
"Surrender unto Him completely. By His grace, you will attain supreme peace." Instead of overthinking, trust that everything is happening for a reason and solutions will come at the right time.
"One who eats too much or too little, who sleeps too much or too little, will not succeed in yoga." Overthinking often results from imbalance. Maintain moderation in your daily routine to keep your mind calm.
"For one who is born, death is certain; and for one who has died, rebirth is inevitable." Some things in life are beyond our control. Accept them instead of wasting energy overthinking.
"A person who gives up all material desires and lives free from possessiveness and ego attains real peace." Overthinking often comes from attachment to personal identity and expectations. Detach from the ego and embrace humility.